The iFACT-MP project is aiming to develop a robust iodine-fed thruster for the 3-5 kW range. The Consortium team is focusing on key components like the Advanced Cusp Field Thruster (ACFT), the fluid system (including a heated iodine reservoir and control for the thruster), and the neutralizer. The goal is to scale up the ACFT and develop the necessary fluidic components to make a functional iodine Electric Propulsion (EP) subsystem. To achieve this goal, the team is enhancing C12A7 emitter ceramics for the iodine-fed neutralizer and crafting a breadboard Power Processing Unit (PPU) for control testing. Additionally, they are developing an optical iodine flow meter for accurate performance measurement. Facing the challenge that no existing test facility can handle this power level, the team is designing a suitable iodine-compatible vacuum chamber with a thrust balance for testing. This facility will enable a comprehensive 500-hour endurance test of the thruster subsystem. To ensure the project's impact, the team will manage public relations, communication, and dissemination activities effectively.