Meet the highly qualified iFACT-MP team!

Meet the highly qualified iFACT-MP team!

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Part 3 - Fraunhofer IKTS

The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS conducts applied research on high-performance ceramics. The institute‘s three sites in Dresden and Hermsdorf (Thuringia), Germany, collectively represent Europe‘s largest R&D Institute dedicated to the study of ceramics.

As a Research and Technology service provider, the Fraunhofer IKTS develops:
•    advanced high-performance ceramic materials
•    industrial manufacturing processes
•    prototype components and systems
•    materials diagnostics
•    testing

The test procedures in the fields of acoustics, electromagnetics, optics and microscopy contribute substantially to the quality assurance of products and plants.

The Fraunhofer IKTS is the largest institute for ceramic material developments in Europe. It already has a well-established manufacturing route created for C12A7 with several performance enhancing modifications. Within the proposed activities, this heritage is being transferred into the electric propulsion community among further improvements of the emitter material. This creates a leading European position for low work function emitter materials for the use in electric propulsion devices.

Stay tuned for more information and to meet the entire consortium!

Meet the highly qualified iFACT-MP team!