
 iFACT-MP is building on the foundation laid by the iFACT project, which positioned Europe at the forefront of iodine Electric Propulsion within the sub-kW power range. To consolidate and expand this leadership into higher power classes (>3 kW), a comprehensive development program is imperative. This program aims to elevate the maturity level to a stage where the initiation of a qualification program becomes feasible. iFACT-MP, the proposed follow-on project, is specifically designed to achieve this objective by systematically developing all the essential building blocks necessary for a mid-power iodine EP system, advancing it to Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL5).


Schematic illustrating the work to be performed within iFACT-MP and the interactions between the consortium members.


In summary, the key objectives for iFACT-MP encompass:

  • Specification: Conducting a comprehensive analysis of market and platform needs to derive requirements for a compelling Electric Propulsion (EP) subsystem.
  • Thruster: Scaling up the Advanced Cusp Field Thruster (ACFT) to the 3-5 kW power range to meet higher power class demands.
  • Cathode: Innovating the development of an iodine-fed hollow cathode utilizing C12A7 emitters with enhanced performance characteristics.
  • Fluidics: Establishing a complete chain comprising a heated tank, flow control mechanism, and piping for the iodine EP system.
  • Test Facility: Creating an iodine-compatible vacuum chamber capable of enabling thorough characterization and endurance testing at the required power level.
  • Diagnostics: Pioneering the development of an optical sensor designed to measure iodine flow rate in-situ, enhancing precision and monitoring capabilities.

The project targets the performance objectives listed below for the components of the subsystem and test environment, consisting of the thruster, cathode, fluidics and PPU breadboard as well as the vacuum test facility and iodine flow sensor.

Targeted performance objectives for the iFACT-MP subsystem.


Upon project completion, the subsystem targets to attain Technology Readiness Level 5 (TRL5), signifying a state of thorough characterization and substantial risk mitigation. This advanced level of maturity positions the subsystem as poised to initiate a qualification campaign promptly, facilitating a seamless and expedited introduction into the market.