The 3rd 2024 issue of the EASN - European Aeronautics Science Network #newsletter is out!

The 3rd 2024 issue of the EASN - European Aeronautics Science Network #newsletter is out!

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The iFACT-MP initiative, short for iodine Fed Advanced Cusp field Thruster for Mid-Power, launched in January 2024, is a 24-month project funded by the European Union. Its primary objective is to enhance and solidify Europe's leading role in iodine EP (Electric Propulsion).

The project team has been busy promoting iFACT-MP across multiple channels!

Dissemination and Communication Highlights:
•    Distribution of iFACT-MP leaflets and posters.
•    Engaging video content now live on our YouTube channel.
•    New "Ask the Researchers" video series launching soon!

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue shaping the future of electric propulsion in Europe!

Enjoy the read!